
Types in MathNet.Spatial

Type XmlExt

Namespace MathNet.Spatial

Extensions for Xml generation
Obsolete: This class should not have been public, will be removed in a future version. Made obsolete 2017-12-03

Static Functions

Public Static Functions

double AsDouble(this XAttribute e, bool throwIfNull)

double AsDouble(this XElement e, bool throwIfNull, double valueIfNull)

T AsEnum<T>(this XElement e)

T AsEnum<T>(this XAttribute e)

IEnumerable<XElement> ElementsNamed(this XElement e, string localName)

IEnumerable<FieldInfo> GetAllFields(Type t)

string ReadAttributeOrDefault(this XElement e, string localName)

string ReadAttributeOrElement(this XElement e, string localName)

T ReadAttributeOrElementEnum<T>(this XElement e, string localName)

string ReadAttributeOrElementOrDefault(this XElement e, string localName)

void SetReadonlyFields<TItem>(TItem& self, String[] fields, Double[] values)

XAttribute SingleAttribute(this XElement e, string localName)

XElement SingleElement(this XElement e, string localName)

XElement SingleElementOrDefault(this XElement e, string localName)

XmlReader SingleElementReader(this XElement e, string localName)

XmlWriter WriteAttribute(this XmlWriter writer, string name, double value)

XmlWriter WriteAttribute<T>(this XmlWriter writer, string name, T value)

void WriteValueToReadonlyField<TClass, TProperty>(TClass item, TProperty value, Expression<Func<TProperty>> fieldExpression)