
Types in MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean

Type Circle3D

Namespace MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean

Parent ValueType

Interfaces IEquatable<Circle3D>, IXmlSerializable

Describes a 3 dimensional circle


Static Functions



Public Constructors

Circle3D(Point3D centerPoint, UnitVector3D axis, double radius)

Initializes a new instance of the Circle3D struct. Constructs a Circle3D with a given radius at a centerPoint orientated to the axis
Point3D centerPoint

The center of the circle

UnitVector3D axis

the axis of the circle

double radius

the radius of the circle

Public Static Functions

Circle3D FromPoints(Point3D p1, Point3D p2, Point3D p3)

Initializes a new instance of the Circle3D struct. Create a circle from three points which lie along its circumference.
Point3D p1

The first point on the circle

Point3D p2

The second point on the circle

Point3D p3

The third point on the circle


A Circle3D

Circle3D FromPointsAndAxis(Point3D p1, Point3D p2, UnitVector3D axis)

Initializes a new instance of the Circle3D struct. Create a circle from the midpoint between two points, in a direction along a specified axis
Point3D p1

First point on the circumference of the circle

Point3D p2

Second point on the circumference of the circle

UnitVector3D axis

Direction of the plane in which the circle lies


A Circle3D

Public Methods

bool Equals(Circle3D c, double tolerance)

Returns a value to indicate if a pair of circles are equal
Circle3D c

The circle to compare against.

double tolerance

A tolerance (epsilon) to adjust for floating point error


true if the points are equal; otherwise false

bool Equals(Circle3D c)

bool Equals(object obj)

int GetHashCode()

XmlSchema GetSchema()

Type GetType()

void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)

string ToString()

void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)

Public Properties

double Area get;

Gets the area of the circle

UnitVector3D Axis get; set;

the axis of the circle

Point3D CenterPoint get; set;

The center of the circle

double Circumference get;

Gets the circumference of the circle

double Diameter get;

Gets the diameter of the circle

double Radius get; set;

the radius of the circle